Understanding Hospice Care
As one of the leading hospice care providers in Houston, Horizon Hospice aims to provide compassionate, quality services to our patients looking for hospice care in Houston. The goal of hospice care is to improve the quality of life and well-being of patients with terminal or life-limiting conditions. The key to understanding hospice care is realizing that hospice is centered around caring, rather than curing.
Our multi-disciplinary team is equipped to handle a range of diagnoses, conditions and complex needs, providing a custom-tailored approach to care with the patient and their loved ones at its core. We take an interdisciplinary approach to hospice care: our hospice aides, nurses, doctors, social workers, volunteers, and chaplains work together to provide the very best in hospice care for our patients. Plus, we have an on-call nurse available by phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
At Horizons Hospice, our primary focus is our patients and building relationships with them. Our hospice care in Houston is centered on providing medical, spiritual and emotional support to our patients and their families, as well as grief and bereavement services following the end of their loved one’s journey. Among our main responsibilities we manage pain and symptoms, provide medical supplies, equipment and medications, and coach families how to care for the patient and support the surviving loved ones and friends.
We understand that everyone’s needs are different. To stay true to our aim of delivering compassionate, individualized care, we can provide our hospice service in patients’ homes, at skilled nursing facilities or assisted living facilities throughout Houston.

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