Transitional Hospice Care
At Horizons Hospice, we understand that the decision to enter into hospice care often happens when a patient is already in a hospital setting. Our caring team of hospice professionals is here to help with every aspect of moving you or a loved one into hospice care directly from the hospital. This transition from the hospital to in-home hospice care is usually referred to as transitional hospice care or just transition care. It involves a number of important steps that have to be coordinated and managed by a qualified hospice team.
What is transitional care?
Transitional care in the context of hospice care is specialized medical care for patients with advanced illnesses. The goal of transition care is palliative and is aimed at improving the patient’s quality of life, as well as that of their support system: families, friends and loved ones.
As one of the leading hospice care agencies in Houston, we specialize in transition hospice care, aimed at pain and symptom reduction, but also improving your overall quality of life. Transition care is often needed to help a patient acclimate to the change from a hospital setting to their own home. Our services include regular meetings with you and your family in the hospital to understand your needs, as well as ambulatory transit services, medical equipment, and any other necessary aspects to ensure you can receive the highest quality of hospice care in the comfort of your home.
What are the steps involved in transitional care?
Every case is unique and tailored to the patient’s needs and desires, but in many transition care cases, our hospice team will manage the following:
Initial Hospital Consultation: This is where one of our hospice team members will physically come to the hospital and meet with the patient and if available, the patient’s family to discuss the specific needs of the patient and determine the best course of action.
Transition Coordination: After we have met with the patient and completed the paperwork to move the patient into our hospice care, our hospice team will coordinate the transition from the hospital, including the actual transport of the patient, getting any and all medical equipment that may be needed at the patient’s home or other permanent location, coordination of any medications that will need to be on hand, and then an initial schedule of patient care from our Horizons Hospice, Interdisciplinary Team.
Have a question? Interested in learning more?
We are here to help. Contact our team today for more information.